Let God be God
Knowing God
'Dare to know! Have the courage to use your own reason!'
Immanuel Kant (1784)

God has a mind and purpose of his own. A God who does not have intentions is no God.
We all know God. God is in the world, ever active, the driving force behind everything that happens.
Everything! In what we call bad as well as good. We may not understand, we may not agree, but he’s the one in charge.
Whether we recognise it or not. At the least conscious level, God is the assumption we make that a good life for us is possible.
When people say they don’t believe in God they generally mean the God of the churches and bible. See John Gray: The Seven Types of Atheism
Neither do I; not the vindictive old dictator of the Old Testament, nor the three-headed contraption of the creeds.
Scientists are probably closer to a description of God, because their search ends in questions rather than answers. Rovelli
However, we only meet the living God in the world as it is, in the common place, among all sorts and conditions of people.
We come to know God the way we know any other person, by living honestly and openly with them...
...not in thinking, study, contemplation, meditation, prayer, worship, rituals, bible study, or in ‘holy’ places. Beware of the Bible
Jesus took the knowledge of God out of the temple and synagogue into the fields, towns and streets. Jesus
He told us to find God active in sparrows, trees, flowers, mustard seeds and corn crops, merchants in the market place, unscrupulous stewards, profligate sons, belligerent kings, lost coins, birds, storms, pearls and treasure hid in a field.
For his friends he chose fishermen, a tax collector, dissidents, prostitutes, doubters and cowards, bullies and careerists, and folk that couldn’t read and write.
He kept finding God at work where, as a Jew, he didn’t expect it - with the Samaritan woman, a Roman Centurion and a Phoenician woman.
He never spoke of religion but to condemn it. Thus, he offended the official ‘god’ people and they nailed him for it. Religion
‘A God who let us prove his existence would be an idol.'
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I came down with Coronavirus and found myself in hospital at the beginning of February 2021. I felt ill and wretched. I recorded my impressions in the Feb blog:
1. We live in an arbitrary, impersonal universe that rides over everything sweeping it away. No sign of a beneficent God. Stock explanations of suffering gave me no help. I felt despairing, miserable and alone.
2. Then a quiet voice in my own soul: ‘Here y’are.’ I felt God beside me. No explanation was required. None I will give. Not that he had crawled up to be with me but was, is, always there:
‘Here y’are’.