Let God be God
The Way of the Christian
Love is patient; love is kind and envies no-one; love is never boastful, conceited, nor rude; never selfish, nor quick to take offence. Love keeps no score of wrongs; does not gloat over the sins of others but delights in the truth. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, hope and endurance.
Paul to Christians at Corinth

The Christian’s way of living is essentially different from that of ‘the present age’;
Draw satisfaction from ordinary life.
Live spontaneously, careless of position in world, trusting in God alone and caring for the folk around.
Enjoy life but avoid indulgence.
Without distinction, value everyone.
Be hospitable, kind and open to sinners and saints alike.
Live by own values not in reaction to others’ behaviour.
Be sensitive, but don’t take offence; seek understanding and conciliation. Listen rather than talk. Interest yourself in the interests of others. Do what you can to help.
Work at what allows others to enjoy a good life. Anything that keeps industry, trade and compassion moving. Avoid jobs just for money, interest, position or ambition.
Play an active part in democratic processes; seeking the good of all, working with others of good intent; opposing and exposing self-interest. exploitation and corruption.
Gather what you can fairly. Regard what money you have as the means of doing good.
Be generous with what you have. After essential household expense spend more on others than yourself.
Be generous with your time. Use own judgement on what is productive, but don’t agonise. Put people first. Enjoy life God has given.
Relationships must be honest, committed, compassionate, faithful within families and friends.
Accept suffering, distress, death as part of life, like happiness. Question if you must but don’t blame. Trust God.